Litany of St. Jeanne Jugan

Creator God, protector of the poor----------------------------------Have mercy on us.
Son of God, lover of the poor---------------------------------------Have mercy on us.
Spirit of God, voice of the poor--------------------------------------Have mercy on us.

Jeanne Jugan, sensitive to the things of God-----------------Blessed Be God.
Jeanne Jugan, attentive to widows----------------------------Blessed Be God.
Jeanne Jugan, caregiver to the aging------------------------Blessed Be God.
Jeanne Jugan, beggar for the poor--------------------------Blessed Be God.

Sister Jeanne Jugan, founder of a religious community---------------Embrace us, O God.
Sister Jeanne Jugan, lover of poverty-----------------------------------Embrace us, O God.
Sister Jeanne Jugan, empty of pride------------------------------------Embrace us, O God.
Sister Jeanne Jugan, ever obedient--------------------------------------Embrace us, O God.

St. Jeanne Jugan, role model for caregivers-------------------Bless our care giving.
St. Jeanne Jugan, devoted to prayer and begging-------------Make us prayerful beggars.
St. Jeanne Jugan, endowed with patience-----------------------Give us patience.
St. Jeanne Jugan, intercessor for the aged and vulnerable--Use our voices for hope.

Let us pray,
God of the poor, in St. Jeanne Jugan, you fashioned a heart and used a voice that restored dignity to the poor and needy of 19th century France. Her legacy of founding the Little Sisters of the Poor gives you honor and gives hope to the forgotten. Through her intercession may all caregivers serve the elderly with the kind of gentle and attentive heart that reveals the face of Jesus. We ask this in the name of the divine caregiver, Jesus Christ, the font of all love and mercy. Amen.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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