Litany of St. Aloysius Gonsaga

(Feast Day - June 21)

Biography as the Call to Holiness - (Lumen Gentium p. 39)

Aloysius was born March 9, 1568 into nobility. He was the eldest son of the Marquis of Castiglione and Marta Santena, lady of honor to the wife of Philip II of Spain. Though he was destined to be a great soldier by his father, early in his childhood he was drawn to the religious life. He was educated in Florence and later joined the court of the Duke of Mantua. Shortly thereafter he suffered a kidney attack that impaired his digestive system for the rest of his young life. He began devoting himself to religious practices and teaching catechism to the poor. His father initially refused permission for him to join the Jesuits, but later consented. In 1585 he joined the Jesuits and was sent to Milan for studies. During his days in Milan he received a revelation that he had not long to live. When his health began to fail he was sent to Rome to complete his theological studies. An epidemic of plague broke out in 1591. The Jesuits opened a hospital and Aloysius, along with other Jesuits began serving the patients. He fell victim to the disease. After a brief recovery he was stricken again. In three months he was reduced to great weakness. On June 20 he fell into an ecstasy which lasted through the night. His confessor, St. Robert Bellarmine gave him the last rites. Shortly after midnight on June 21, 1591 he died at the young age of twenty-three years and eight months. His relics lie under the altar in the Lancellotti chapel of the church of St. Ignatius in Rome. He was canonized in 1726 and declared protector of young students by Pope Benedict XIII and the patron of Catholic youth by Pope Pius XI.


God of sinners.............Have mercy on us.
God of care givers......
God of the youth......

Aloysius Gonsaga, born into nobility...................................Inspire us.
Aloysius Gonsaga, groomed for the military......
Aloysius Gonsaga, schooled in Italy......
Aloysius Gonsaga, delighted in the company of soldiers......
Aloysius Gonsaga, proud to walk in parades......

St. Aloysius, called to a religious vocation.........................Pray for us.
St. Aloysius, teacher of catechism to the poor......
St. Aloysius, inflicted with a kidney ailment......
St. Aloysius, humbled by the lowest tasks......
St. Aloysius, gifted with divine ecstasy at his death......
St. Aloysius, patron of Catholic youth......

Let us pray,
O God of surprises. You allowed Aloysius Gonsaga to be born into aristocracy, but later gave him a religious vocation and called him to be of humble service to the Church. The deeds of his brief life bear witness to a young man who lived the values of the gospel by his love for the poor and the young. For 300 years St. Aloysius Parish in Leonardtown, Maryland has born his name. As we celebrate our tri-centennial, help us reverence our past by recommitting ourselves to Catholic values and traditions that encourage us to give witness to the Gospel of Life. May the youth of our parish carry on the legacy of St. Aloysius by lives of service that make a difference for the sake of the next 100 years of our parish life. We pray through Jesus Christ your son, who was, who is and who is to come again in glory. Amen.

Prayer for the Tri-centennial of St. Aloysisus Gonsaga Parish
Leonardtown, MD

O God of our past. For 300 years St. Aloysius Gonsaga Parish has celebrated faith and honored our Catholic roots under the guidance and inspiration of a Spanish nobleman called to a life of holiness. In just 23 years and 8 months his brief life gave witness to a gospel of life that reverenced the poor, protected the young and served victims.

O God of our present. Our parish looks back on its history in order to celebrate it now. As we write a new chapter in the ongoing story of our love for Aloysius and our service of the gospel, help us keep his legacy alive by the ways we serve victims today. Inspire us to reverence the poor among us, to protect the unborn, those without health care, without work, without dignity, without housing, without hope. Let us be their voices.

O God of our future. We don't know what lies ahead for us. But, we do know that 300 years of Catholic faith and traditions assures us that you will continue to be our companion on the walk of faith. Give us minds that can dream new dreams. Give us hearts caring enough to bring them to life. Give us imaginations daring enough to make St. Aloysius Gonsaga Parish a place where the lost, the hurting, the alienated, the unchurched, and the searching can call home. We place our youth under his protection. May they be inspired to listen to Christ's life speak to their lives that they may be open to a call to serve the gospel as priests, religious, missionaries, or lay ministers. With these dreams, nurture our hope to keep alive for future generations, the mission of our parish to help sanctify humanity while waiting for the coming of your glory. Amen.

Composed by Rev. Paul G. Mast for the 300th anniversary of St. Aloysius Gonsaga Parish (1710-2010) in Leonardtown, MD. Copyright 2007. Not to be used or copied without permission.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
Protected by Copyright - © 2005