Litany Of The Sacred Heart

(Friday of the Second Sunday after Pentecost)

Heart of God the Father, revealed in the splendor of creation .......Recreate us.
Heart of Jesus the Son, offered in the saving events of your life ....Heal us.
Heart of the Holy Spirit, poured out at the first Pentecost .............Purify us.

Heart of faith that created humanity .........................We believe in You.
Heart of faith that made a covenant with Israel.........We believe in You.
Heart of faith spoken through the prophets -
Heart of faith proclaimed in Psalms and Lamentations -
Heart of faith unfolded in the plan of salvation -

Heart of hope revealed in the Incarnation .................We hope in you.
Heart of hope spoken in the Beatitudes .....................We hope in you.
Heart of hope that offers sinners a second chance -
Heart of hope rekindled in agony in the Garden -
Heart of hope that spoke forgiveness on the Cross -

Heart of love rich in mercy ................................We love you.
Heart of love full of consolation ........................We love you.
Heart of love flowing with charity
Heart of love hope for all victims
Heart of love center of all hearts

Heart of Jesus - pierced by our wars and killings ...............Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus - hurting by the holocaust of the unborn .....Have mercy on us.
Heart of Jesus - saddened by the abuse of children
Heart of Jesus - hurting by broken families
Heart of Jesus - wounded by the cycle of violence

Sacred Heart of Jesus - the way to holiness ...........................Dwell within us.
Sacred Heart of Jesus - the way to peace and reconciliation ..Dwell within us.
Sacred Heart of Jesus - the way into the hearts of the poor
Sacred Heart of Jesus - the way to live the gospel of life
Sacred Heart of Jesus - the way to love with your sacred heart

Let us pray,
O Saving God in the heart of Christ your Son you showed a faith, hope and love that binds you with sinful humanity. May that sacred, caring heart dwell in our hearts. May it call us to conversion whenever our hearts become small and narrow. May it delight in us when we are bold in practicing the new evangelization toward the unchurched, the hurting and the neglected. We pray in the name of your son, Jesus who is meek and humble of heart and where our hearts will find rest, today and everyday, now and forever. Amen.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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