Litany For The Sabbath


God of Genesis, you created everything and saw that it was good -
I seek rest to taste of that goodness.

God of love, you remind us that we are not made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath is made for us -
I seek rest to be renewed in the joy of those words.

Spirit-filled God, the flame that stirs tranquility, serenity, contentment and peace-
I seek rest to claim what is fertile and unfinished in me.


Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the burdens of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, let rest be a precious ointment for my over-extended life.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the busyness of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, let leisure be a healing balm for my busy life.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the distractions of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, let contemplation help me not miss delighting in the lilies of the fields.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the worries of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, let the sounds of the birds of the air awaken me to your presence.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the curses of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, help me to reclaim my blessings now, in this moment.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the exhaustions of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, convert my being tired into being fulfilled.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the fears of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, quiet that voice so the wind of God can make new music in me.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the fast lanes of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, slow me down so that I find my breath again in you.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the routine things of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, rebirth in me the childlike gifts of wonder and surprise.

Divine Rhythm of life, I step back from the noises of life so you can refresh my Sabbath soul, call me to repent of speaking too much so I can savor silence.

Word of Life, I pray with the Psalmist (46:10): "Be still and know that I am God." Nurture my desire for stillness.

Word of Life, I pray with Ecclesiastes (3:1): "There is a time for every purpose under heaven." Remind me that a greater rhythm governs my life.

Word of Life, I pray with Isaiah (58: 13-14): " the Sabbath a delight." Fill me to overflowing with delight.

Word of Life, I pray with Lao-Tzu, "Be content with what you have." Teach me the tender balance between possessing and surrendering.

Word of Life, I pray with Jesus of Nazareth, (Matt. 6:21): "Where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Teach me again that all I have is on loan from God.

God of Yom Kippur during this season remind me that I must atone for my mistakes in order to begin again.

God of Ramadan during this season I fast and pray to savor your comfort.

God of Christmas during this season I rejoice in discovering infant revelations of the divine in my life.

God of the Crucifixion during this season meld me into the rhythm of all things dying.

God of Easter, I rise with you to be part of all things that are reborn.

Let us pray,
God of new beginnings, slow me down. Stir in me new desires for honoring the Sabbath. Quiet me so I can make time for rest and renewal. Inspire me to cry out for a rhythm of life that refreshes my body and mind. Give me the awareness to take one minute vacations to regain inner happiness. Help me embrace you in the seasons of a moment, a day, a conversation, a relationship so that I learn again to enjoy the rhythmic dance with you and all that belongs to you. In savoring this secret of life reclaimed in rest, I pray Amen. Let it be. Amen.

Wayne Muller's book "Sabbath" was a source of inspiration for this litany.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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