Litany of St. Vincent de Paul

(Feast Day - September 27th)

Biography as the Call to Holiness (Lumen Gentium p. 39)

Vincent was born on March 28, 1581, the third of six children to peasant farmers in the Landes section of France. He tended flocks and worked the fields. His parents nurtured a religious vocation in him. At age 15 he entered the University of Toulouse and began studying for the priesthood. He was granted a bachelor of theology degree in 1604 and was ordained on September 23, 1600 at the age of twenty. In 1605 while on a ship from Narbonne he was abducted along the Barbary Coast and sold into slavery. For two years he endured unspeakable trials in Algeria. Following his escape he returned to France where he became licensed in both civil and canon law and was appointed Chaplain to Queen Marguerite of Valois. Subsequently, she would become a principal benefactress of his charitable outreach to the poor and beggars. While France endured a period of trouble in 1617 Vincent and a few other priests began preaching and catechizing to the rural poor. Thus was laid the foundation for establishing the Congregation of the Mission in 1627 when Vincent was forty-four years old. Five years later he collaborated with Louise de Marillac in founding the Daughters of Charity. For over twenty-five years they would minister to the poor and needy while France suffered through wars and pillaging with Sweden, Spain, England and Germany. They cared for orphans and victims during the dark years of the intrigues and scandals of the Prime Minister, Cardinal Richelieu. His congregation grew in numbers and became committed to reforming seminaries and the formation of men for the priesthood. He died on September 27, 1660 in his chair, completely dressed, near a fire. It was about 4 AM the hour when for all his priestly life he arose and began each day with prayer and works of charity. He was canonized on June 16, 1737 by Pope Clement XII. Today his Congregation of the Mission numbers 3,500 members and the Daughters of Charity numbers 27,000 sisters. In 1835 Frederic Ozanam founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a lay society who continues his mission of charity to the poor. They number 875,000 members worldwide.


God, Father of the poor.................................Have mercy on us
Jesus, Lover of the poor................................Have mercy on us
Holy Spirit, Healer of the poor......................Have mercy on us

Vincent, a peasant and scholar...............................Inspire us.
Vincent, a priest and peacemaker...........................Inspire us.
Vincent, a man of prayer and action......................Inspire us.
Vincent, a man without prejudice..........................Inspire us.
Vincent, a man of ambition and humility..............Inspire us.

Vincent de Paul, a preacher of missions........................Inflame us.
Vincent de Paul, a teacher of the gospel........................Inflame us.
Vincent de Paul, a friend of the poor.............................Inflame us.
Vincent de Paul, a voice for the voiceless.......................Inflame us.

St. Vincent, an instrument of blessings..........................Pray for us.
St. Vincent, an intercessor before God...........................Pray for us.
St. Vincent, a channel of grace.....................................Pray for us.
St. Vincent, a role model for priests..............................Pray for us.
St. Vincent, a hope for holiness....................................Pray for us.

Let us pray,
O loving God, in St. Vincent de Paul you gave the human family a heart full of love for the poor. You filled it with charity and humility in the likeness of the heart of your Son. Change our hearts by the way we attend and minister to Jesus in our service of the poor and our caring for the needy. Give us courage and perseverance as we carry on the legacy of St. Vincent and give witness to the gospel of life in our outreach and service. We pray in the name of your son, Jesus, who shepherded Vincent�s heart to give glory to you, the divine lover of the poor who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

Composed by Rev. Paul G. Mast for a retreat preached at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Altrincham, England.

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Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
Protected by Copyright - © 2008