Litany of Our Lady of the Rosary


Kyrie Eleison-------------------------------Lord, have mercy on us.
Christe Eleison----------------------------Christ, have mercy on us.
Kyrie Eleison-------------------------------Lord, have mercy on us.

Joyful Mary, who said YES to Gabriel's announcement Make us a joyful people. Joyful Mary, who visited and midwifed Elizabeth Make us a joyful people.
Joyful Mary, who gave birth to the Son of God Make us a joyful people.
Joyful Mary, who presented Jesus in the Temple Make us a joyful people.
Joyful Mary, who searched and found a lost child Make us a joyful people.
Sorrowful Mother, whose son agonized in the Garden Hold us in our sorrows.
Sorrowful Mother, whose son was scourged in public Hold us in our sorrows.
Sorrowful Mother, whose son wore a crown of thorns Hold us in our sorrows.
Sorrowful Mother, whose son carried a cross Hold us in our sorrows.
Sorrowful Mother, whose son was crucified Hold us in our sorrows.
Regina Coeli, whose son was raised from death Bless us from heaven.
Regina Coeli, whose son ascended into heaven Bless us from heaven.
Regina Coeli, who was a disciple after Pentecost Bless us from heaven.
Regina Coeli, who was assumed into heaven Bless us from heaven.
Regina Coeli, who was crowned Queen of heaven Bless us from heaven.

Let us pray,
Almighty God, in your plan of salvation Mary of Nazareth was given a special vocation. From the birth of Jesus to his public ministry she was a faithful mother and wisdom figure. From his suffering, death and resurrection she was a faithful disciple of his mission to be the savior of humankind.

For ninety years, Holy Rosary Parish in Claymont, Delaware has been faithful in upholding Mary, Mother of God, in the unfolding of your divine plan for the ongoing renewal of our faith community. Through the intercession of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary we have shared joyful, sorrowful and glorious news for heaven's sake. We pray that she continue to intercede for us and our desire to sow seeds of blessed hope and life until Jesus comes again in glory. Amen.

Composed for the celebration of the 90th anniversary year (2011 -2012) of Holy Rosary Parish in Claymont, Delaware.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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