Litany to the Holy Spirit

Composed as part of a Nine day Novena to the Holy Spirit - 1997

Kyrie eleison ………………………………………Lord, have mercy.
Christe eleison…………………………………….Christ, have mercy.
Kyrie eleison………………………………………Lord, have mercy.

God the Creator………………………………….Breathe upon us.
God the Redeemer………………………………………Deliver us.
God the Sanctifier…………………………………..Transform us.

Holy Trinity, One God……………………………………...Be Our Guide.
Holy Spirit, Uncreated Gift………………………………...Be Our Guide.
Holy Spirit, Who overshadowed the Virgin Mary
Holy Spirit, Who guided the Holy Family's flight into Egypt
Holy Spirit, Who stirred the waters at Jesus' baptism
Holy Spirit, Who Journeyed with Jesus into the desert
Holy Spirit, Companion during Jesus' earthly ministry
Holy Spirit, Co-Author of the Resurrection
Holy Spirit, First Evangelizer
Holy Spirit, Comforter of the oppressed
Holy Spirit, Source of heavenly light
Holy Spirit, Giver of Charisms for the kingdom
Holy Spirit, Advocate of unity
Holy Spirit, Voice of dialog
Holy Spirit, Keeper of promises
Holy Spirit, Sojourner in the new millennium

Spirit of Reverence of God…………………………………..Pray for us.
Spirit of Fortitude……………………………………………Pray for us.
Spirit of Counsel
Spirit of Knowledge
Spirit of Understanding
Spirit of Wisdom
Spirit of Loving worship of God

Spirit who strengthens church leaders……………………..Give us new life.
Spirit who encourages world leaders……………………….Give us new life.
Spirit who inspires non-violence
Spirit who inspires patience
Spirit who inspires perseverance
Spirit who inspires gentleness
Spirit who shelters the homeless
Spirit who converts the hearts of terrorists
Spirit who cares for victims
Spirit who seeks and finds the marginalized
Spirit who embraces seekers of justice
Spirit who nurtures people of the gospel

Spirit of faith………………………………………………………Renew us.
Spirit of hope………………………………………………………Renew us.
Spirit of charity
Spirit of vision
Spirit of love
Spirit of peace
Spirit of contemplation

Let us pray:
Holy Spirit, penetrate us with the fire of your life. Shelter us from evil, hatred and oppression. Transform us into peacemakers and energize us to teach others how to reverence all that you, O God, have made. We pray through the Spirit and in the name of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ who is the promise and sign of your love for us now and forevermore. Amen.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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