Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

(Feast Day - January 3)

Lord Jesus, named by Gabriel---------------------------Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ Jesus, blest by Simeon----------------------------Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord Jesus, praised by Anna-----------------------------Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus, name most holy-------------------------------------We reverence you.
Jesus, name most humble---------------------------------We reverence you.
Jesus, name most obedient--------------------------------We reverence you.
Jesus, name most healing---------------------------------We reverence you.
Jesus, name most consoling------------------------------We reverence you.

Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary----------------------------------We bless you.
Jesus, Splendor of all creation----------------------------------We bless you.
Jesus, Brightness of eternal glory------------------------------We bless you.
Jesus, Lover of all souls------------------------------------------We bless you.
Jesus, Source of all peace----------------------------------------We bless you.

Holy Name of Jesus, through your Nativity----------Be born in us again.
Holy Name of Jesus, through your Ministry---------Be revealed in our service.
Holy Name of Jesus, through your Passion----------Be revealed in our care giving.
Holy Name of Jesus, through your Resurrection---Be revealed in our rebirths.
Holy Name of Jesus, through your Ascension------Be revealed in our witness.

Lamb of God, who takes away our sins----------Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who shepherds our souls---------Have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who lights our paths--------------Have mercy on us.

Let us pray,
Father God, give us a renewed love for the holy Name of your son, Jesus. Anoint our tongues that we may speak it in ways that glorify you. Humble our hearts that we may bow in reverence whenever we hear your name. Give us a contemplative attitude so that whenever we speak the holy name of your son, we give witness to the gospel of life, Jesus, who is worthy of us bending our knees to give you glory forever and forever. Amen.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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