Litany of Role Models for Fatherhood

God, the Father-------------------------------------------------Have mercy on us.
Jesus, the Father's only son----------------------------------Have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, Advocate of the Father-------------------------Have mercy on us.

Moses always talked with God when caught in the power struggles between Pharoah and Yahweh
O God teach all men to be that familiar with you in their struggles.

Nathan held David accountable for ruining the lives of innocent people
God teach all men to be that assertive with leaders on behalf of victims.

King David had the capacity to grow in self-knowledge through his misjudgments
God the Father teach all men the wisdom of knowing themselves through the way they learn from their mistakes.

Elijah learned how to distinguish the true voice of God in a whispering sound from the false voices of power and violence
God the Father teach all men that kind of spiritual discernment.

Amos used his voice to declare God's wrath and vengeance on those who practiced religion without justice
God the Father use the voices of men today on behalf of justice and mercy for the poor.

Jeremiah did not loose his dignity as a prophet even though he was scorned by people for conveying God's anguish over their inhumanity to man
God the Father give more men some of Jeremiah's character and centeredness.

Isaiah tried to reverse the economics of greed in the stubborn chosen people
God the Father give all men his integrity when facing down the greediness in our culture.

Jonah learned from God how to be slow to anger and full of love
God the Father teach all men how to value compassion over condemnation.

John the Baptist was born with a fire in his soul for Jesus
God the Father use the fire in the converted souls of all men to prepare the way of the Lord.

Joseph of Nazareth had the capacity to dream God's dreams for him and his family
God the Father inspire all men to have the capacity to dream with you how to make heal and nurture broken families.

Simon Peter had the right instinct when he gave up a fishing business to begin a new adventure with Jesus
God the Father inspire more men to think of "call" as much as "career."

Zaccheus was called out of hiding in a tree to become a follower of Jesus
God the Father continue to surprise, seek and find more men for evangelization.

Nicodemus was in his senior years when his curiosity about Jesus brought him to deeper faith
God the Father inspire more elderly men to bring younger men to faith.

Paul the terrorist was resistant to becoming an Apostle of Jesus
God the Father knock other men mid-lifers off their horses of pride so resistance to the gospel can be turned into preaching the gospel.

Cornelius was awakened to new desires and became a believer in Jesus on the testimony of others
God the Father make more men bold in giving witness to your Son.

Let us pray,
Almighty God, in these biblical fathers we get a glimpse of your openness and acceptance of men who rebel and return. Some of them are men whose bad behavior was converted into godly behavior. All were men you called and used for the purpose of unfolding new and exciting chapters in the ongoing stories of salvation history. Through their intercession raise up men to the vocation of fatherhood who are role models in your image and likeness. We pray in the name of the son you fathered, Jesus Christ who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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