Litany of God, the Benevolent Father


God the Benevolent Father---------------------------------------Have Mercy on us.
Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the World--------------------------Have Mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, the Paraclete----------------------------------------Have Mercy on us.

Creator God, the Alpha & the Omega-------------------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Source of all being-------------------------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Font of all truth----------------------------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Giver of Eternal light---------------------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Reverenced in Mother Earth------------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, adored in Father Sky---------------------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Morning Star & Evening Sunset-------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Beautiful as the lilies of the field------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Giver of the fruits of the earth---------------All creation adores you.
Creator God, Our daily bread---------------------------------All creation adores you.

Abba God, Father of the Messiah-----------------------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, A gentle voice in a cloud--------------------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, who is pleased with you only Son---------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, full of tender, loving care-------------------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, to whom all prayer is addressed-----------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, sojourner with the exiled-------------------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, justice of the oppressed---------------------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, our blessed assurance-----------------------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, our steadfast faith----------------------------------Glory and praise to you.
Abba God, our peace and rest---------------------------------Glory and praise to you.

Benevolent God, breath of our ancestors-----------------All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, courage for our dreamings------------All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, who makes us sisters of mercy-------All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, who makes us brothers of love-------All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, who makes us lovers of life-----------All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, who makes us seekers of wisdom----All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, who makes us instruments of peace--All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, giver of everlasting joy-----------------All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, the road to Paradise--------------------All honor and acclaim to you.
Benevolent God, our life without end--------------------All honor and acclaim to you.

Let us pray,
Gracious and loving God, your Church is on a pilgrimage of faith. We are journeying toward a new millennium which brings us closer to a fuller life in you. As a benevolent Father, parent in us the desire for good, nurture in us the virtue of hope and stir in us the fire that makes all things new, so that in the new year 2000 we give you the glory for sustaining us in all the journeys of life. We praise you for being the God of our past, present and future, now and forever. Amen

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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