Litany For Advent/Christmas


God, who fulfilled Israel's hopes-------------------------------------Maranatha.
Jesus, who ushered in a new advent--------------------------------God-with-us.
Holy Spirit, who lights our path to Emmanuel-------------------Guide us.

Advent, a call to be missionary Christians------------------------Come, Emmanuel.
Advent, a call to renewal of commitment to follow Christ-----Come, Emmanuel.
Advent, a call to be reconciled through Jesus the Messiah----Come, Emmanuel.
Advent, a call to burn with the fire of God's eternal Word-----Come, Emmanuel.
Advent, a call to be filled with joyous hope-----------------------Come, Emmanuel.

In celebrating the birth of Jesus-----------------------------Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
In celebrating God's word of life in human flesh--------Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
In celebrating Jesus' life in human history---------------Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
In celebrating Jesus' life in sacrament--------------------Gloria in Excelsis Deo.
In celebrating Jesus' life in quiet wonder-----------------Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

Jesus, you graced the whole human family-----------------------Joy to the world.
Jesus, your incarnation graced Mary as Mother of God--------Joy to the world.
Jesus, your Epiphany revealed you as the light to all nations-Joy to the world.
Jesus, your baptism by John made your mission divine--------Joy to the world.
Jesus, a revealing star which guides our journey to glory------Joy to the world.

Let us pray,
Eternal God, once again we make ready the way of the Lord. With unwavering perseverance we keep vigil again in a new Advent with our hearts focused on the second coming of Jesus in glory. With prayerful contemplation we celebrate in a new Christmas the event of his birth with memories that dance with joy and delight. Awaken in us again how the mysteries of this sacred season can only be captured by wonder and awe. As we move through this sacred time may these mysteries of faith renew in us that ongoing conversion of heart that moves us to acclaim Jesus as the center of our lives. Amen.

Composed by: Rev. Paul G. Mast
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